Friday, April 6, 2012

The Death of the T.V. Theme Song Part 2-The Resurrection?

     In lamenting the demise of the all important television theme song, I decided to continue looking for examples of modern television shows that actually have one, a rarity in this digital age. My last post offered the intro for a viable theme song with that of CBS's "Big Bang Theory".  Here are two that cut the mustard, leaving me in joyful hopes that we just may be witnessing a theme song resurrection. Hooray!

      "The Luck You Got",  is a song from the Detroit based rock band "High Strung" off their album "Moxie Bravo". It moonlights as a fitting intro for Showtime's dramatic comedy "Shameless". "Shameless" chronicles the lives of six Chicagoan kids that basically hold down their household and lives as their slacker parents more or less abandon them. William Macy plays the unlovable, but loved, drunk who slithers in and out of these kids'  lives wrecking havoc.  It ain't "The Cosby Show".

Theme show from Showtime's "Shameless".
Shamelessly funny show with an awesome intro.

  "The New Girl" on NBC, stars  the ever quirky Zooey Deschanel, who is not only the reason I love, love, love, this show, but the reason I love, love, love this theme song. She wrote it, which gives the song her personal appeal, a factor that aids in making the show and the song "adorkable".

     Maggie Furlong, an entertainment writer for, seems to share this sentiment. In her recent article, she pays homage to the show and the personal effect of theme songs by asking the cast to muse over there "personal theme song", a question that garnered some pretty funny responses.

"New Girl Cast Talks Personal Theme Songs"

      This article touches on a very important aspect of the classic television theme song- the personal effect. Great intros in the past have not only set the tone for the show, but they totally add to the soundtrack of one's own dramatic comedy called "Life".  As a young adult, stepping in the door of my first really nice place away Mom and Dad,  the first thing I did was dance around an empty room singing "Well, we movin' on up!" This intro to the classic sitcom "The Jeffersons" has been the go to song for generations of lotto hitters, bingo winners, and anyone who finally gets the piece of the pie. Check it out.

What's your personal theme song? Let me know!

And stay tuned for more analog love.


  1. One of my favorite theme songs would have to be the Lavern and Shirley Theme songs! I have no clue what Shamezle shamazle, or whatever incorporated means, but I always felt like I could do anything after hearing that song. Like I could be independent, move away and become and award winning actress. Despite the fact that I was only ten when I was watching the show on Nick at Nite.

    1. Laverne and Shirley was the shizz! "Schlemiel, schlimazel" is the beginning of a yiddish nursery rhyme. And thanks for making me feel old, as I remember being 5 watching the ORIGINAL episodes : )
