Saturday, June 9, 2012

Never Too Cool for Scott Baio~ABCs Afterschool Specials Part 2

Gotta love the 80s...shoulder pads, Atari, & Scott Baio.
Scott Baio on the cover of his ill advised pop album

 So I had a huge crush on Scott Baio, but not just for his dashing good looks. At  five years old, I considered Mr. Baio an exemplary thespian. He was the only reason I watched "Happy Days", and I may have been the only one in the nation who watched its spin off, "Jonie Loves Chachi". I credit his performance in "Stoned", an ABC Afterschool Special about the hazards of smoking pot, with keeping a few American kids drug free, but possibly making most of them actually want to get high.

Cheech and Chachi
Scott Baio in "Stoned" An ABC Afterschool Special

"Stoned" was true to the ASS formula (no pun intended): geeky kid with potential (played by Baio) has no friends and feels lame, hooks up with cool loser dude who smokes pot, starts getting high, wins friends and influences people to think he's a loser too, then does something stupid, all thanks to the ganja. 
Hey kids, don't smoke and boat!

Baio's career as a troubled teen had a pretty good run with "After School Specials". He starred in another memorable morality episode in "The Boy Who Drank Too Much".  He played- you guessed it-the boy who drank too much.

Stay tuned for more retro love in my coming post! 

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